miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012


           The topic that I choose for my lesson was The Little Red Riding Hood because children really love tails. Besides, this topic is attractive to the students. They all know this tale in their mother tongues, so, it is going to be easier for them to understand it. Therefore, the activities presented in this lesson are suitable for children between 10 and 11 years old. Also, through this lesson children can develop the four skills with  attractive activities to motivate them to learn the English language in a fun way. 

             On the other hand, in this course I can say that I enjoyed learning about the different resources that offer the Internet and all the technological tools. The most that I liked from this course was to learn to do a voki and a blog. In spite of this, I think that all the technological tools learned in this course will be excellent to teach English. Finally, my personal opinion on the fact of using ICT’s in the classroom is that they can bring enormous benefits to contribute on education because they improve learning, motivate and engage students, develop skills that are necessary. Thus, teachers can be creative and innovate using  ICT’s in the classroom.

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